Is Safe?

Yes, we can state that is a safe sweepstakes casino, strictly following the legal framework in the US. In this topic we will cover all the details.

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If you search for the best sweepstakes casinos in the US, pops up among the top results. Many players vouch that the site delivers nothing but a top-notch social gaming experience. However, before you create your account, you may wonder is safe. That’s what we aim to achieve in this post.

How Does Work? operates just like any other sweepstakes casino. You can join the site and play games for free using virtual coins. Particularly, you access games using Gold Coins.

The social casino also supports Sweep Coins, known as Stake Cash. You can exchange these virtual currencies for real cash prizes as crypto.

You can receive Gold Coins and Stake Cash from bonuses, contests, and giveaways. These promos are relatively common at, so you always play for free.

Alternatively, you can purchase Gold Coin packages, which sometimes come with Stake Cash as a bonus. Verification

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To access safely, verification is critical. Notably, the social casino mandates all new users to complete verification to ensure it only welcomes legally permitted players. This also helps keep the environment safe and void of scammers.

You can only join if you’re up to 21 years. In addition, you must not be a resident of Washington, New York, Nevada, Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan, or Vermont.

To confirm you meet the above requirements, you’ll provide an identity document and a selfie. The identity document can be;

  • State-issued ID card
  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • Residence permit card

The verification process is prompt. So, you’ll know if you pass in a few minutes, and then you start playing. Security

While creating your account, you enter some personal details. Similarly, you’ll provide payment information if you want to purchase coin packages. If is a safe site, it must have systems to protect such sensitive data.

Indeed, secures every piece of information you enter on the website using SSL. This ensures end-to-end encryption, so no third party comes between your device and the casino’s servers.

In terms of payment, is also safe since it uses crypto. With blockchain technology, crypto transactions are ultra-secure, with authentic and automatic confirmations. Also, you only need to provide your wallet address when redeeming your cash prizes. Responsible Gaming

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Responsible Gaming Page – Is Safe?

A safe social gaming site should help players manage their gaming habits, even if they play for free. In this aspect, also doesn’t fall short. You get two main protection protocols: Break-in-play and Self-exclusion.

With Break-in-play, you stay off gaming for a particular period. It can be a day or two, seven days, a month, or more. You can initiate the protocol yourself from the account settings.

On the other hand, Self-exclusion will keep you off the social gaming site for much longer. The minimum here is six months, while the maximum is five years — or you close your account permanently. The customer support is always within quick reach if you need help.


Questioning’s safety before you use the site is understandable. However, note that the social casino is completely safe to use if you want to play casino games for free.

Information you supply is encrypted, payments are secure, and the responsible gaming options help keep things in check.

Martin Vatev's exploration into the world of words began not amid the pages of fictional tales but within the bustling, pragmatic environments of newsrooms and media outlets. As a student of Journalism at the Technical University of Dortmund, Martin was swiftly plunged into the ecosystems of stories that were urgent, real, and imperatively bound to the world's happenings. By taking part in different local media, his days were enveloped in uncovering facts, ensuring objectivity, and rendering narratives that adhered strictly to the pulses of reality.
